Friday, February 17, 2006


Big Net's recent appearance in congressional hearings was depressing. It seemed impossible for them to admit that they were assisting the Red Chinese in supressing free speech. The facts: Yahoo turned over information on online dissidents, Google produced a "freedom-free" version of their search engine for use in China, Cisco instructed Chinese police on how to monitor net traffic through their hardware, and Microsoft has banned such nine-letter words as "democracy" from Chinese blogs.

Tom Lantos' analogy with IBM's "accounting" assistance for the Nazis cut right to the quick. This is just shameful.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

The War for Free Speech, Pacific Theatre.

The Congressional-Executive Committee on China has published findings on the supression of the freedom of expression in the "People's Republic", and it's a must read. Congressman Tom Lantos was particularly eloquent in his opening statement for hearings with "Big Net" (Yahoo, Google, Microsoft, and Cisco) on their dealings with Red China in internet censorship and surveilance on Chinese citizens who dare speak of freedom or religion.