Friday, October 19, 2007
Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK) has successfully spearheaded an effort to divert a million-dollar earmark that was to be directed to the Woodstock Hippie Museum, aka the Museum at Bethel Woods. The Hippie Museum's champion is billionaire Alan Gerry, who coincidentally has been giving dough to Hillary Clinton's presidential bid and Chuck Schumer's Senate campaign program - and who both earmarked the million for the museum. Of course, this time it's different. Quoth Hillary: ''[the museum will] continue to promote education, the arts, culture and tourism in the region.''
If this museum is such a great idea, why can't the private sector, i.e., Mr. Gerry, cut the check? If you believe in the need for federal support for the Woodstock Hippie Museum, then you'll salivate over NY Representative Charles Rangel's Charles Rangel Center for Public Service at City College of NY, a trifling two-million dollar earmark.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
No, it's not caused by Musharraf's support of the US. The Islamofascists hate - hate - the message of freedom and moderation of Benizir Bhutto.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Great Britain's National Health Service can't keep dentists in their system, and so...
Falling numbers of state dentists in England has led to some people taking extreme measures, including extracting their own teeth, according to a new study released Monday. Others have used superglue to stick crowns back on, rather than stumping up for private treatment, said the study. One person spoke of carrying out 14 separate extractions on himself with pliers...
Ah, brave new world.
Monday, October 15, 2007
One notices the lack of news on Iraq, other than the Blackwater situation. The WaPo editors have noticed, too:
NEWS COVERAGE and debate about Iraq during the past couple of weeks have centered on the alleged abuses of private security firms like Blackwater USA. Getting such firms into a legal regime is vital, as we've said. But meanwhile, some seemingly important facts about the main subject of discussion last month -- whether there has been a decrease in violence in Iraq -- have gotten relatively little attention. A congressional study and several news stories in September questioned reports by the U.S. military that casualties were down. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton(D-N.Y.), challenging the testimony of Gen. David H. Petraeus, asserted that "civilian deaths have risen" during this year's surge of American forces.
A month later, there isn't much room for such debate, at least about the latest figures. In September, Iraqi civilian deaths were down 52 percent from August and 77 percent from September 2006, according to the Web site The Iraqi Health Ministry and the Associated Press reported similar results. U.S. soldiers killed in action numbered 43 -- down 43 percent from August and 64 percent from May, which had the highest monthly figure so far this year. The American combat death total was the lowest since July 2006 and was one of the five lowest monthly counts since the insurgency in Iraq took off in April 2004...
CNN has now picked up on this, too; Anderson Cooper 360 has reported on this, as well as the significant weakening of Al Queda in Iraq (as reported by the WaPo).
Zombietime documents the recent Codepink theatrics in front of the Devildogs' office in Berkeley (Berkeley! Talk about PsyOps!). The office's officer in charge, Cpt. Richard Lund, responds eloquently to Codestink's rantin' n' ravin'. We particularly admire the posting of the Mill quote in the office window. Pour it on, boys!
Perhaps this is what infuriates the Hard Left most of all: back in the '60s the mainstream culture was just too polite and traditional to react to moonbat shock attacks. Now the conservative movement has its share of smart, hip, and better-read followers, and they give it right back to the Hard Left.
A great day: tailgating with fellows from the dorm floor in '76 (Fire Up, Van Tyne!), and then off to the game! (You can find more great Michigan songs at the UM Glee Club)