Friday, October 31, 2008

No Room on the Plane.

It is reported that McCain campaign has denied Maureen Dowd a seat on the campaign plane. However, the refusal was to make room for more journalists.

Too Little and Too Late?

Jake Tapper has a "wait a minute!" moment with Mr. Obama's ENORMOUS list of promises to the people. Looks like you'll be off "O-Force One", Jake; you can pick up your luggage at the Greyhound terminal.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Home Movies Found of Obama Baby Shower!

Look for George Soros giving the gift of gold and Saul Alinsky's gift of a copy of "Rules for Radicals!"

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Monday, October 27, 2008

Thank Heavens You're Here!

The market has tanked, the economy is going south, socialism is knocking on the door, massteria is running amok, Democrats threaten us with unbridled power, and cats and dogs are in the streets. But there is one man who can save us in this desparate hour...