Saturday, January 05, 2008

Huck's Tax Record.

The Annenberg Political Fact Check look's at Mike's tax record in Arkansas. The verdict: he did raise taxes and cut taxes, while state spending did increase under his adminstration (about 50% in eight years, well above the rate of inflation). Our irritation with Huck on this issue is not his lack of tax cut piety (more piety would be good), but in denying paternity of the tax hikes. Not the most chiseled profile in political courage.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Ending the official holiday season with a glass of port, a CAO Italia Ciao, a brisk walk in the winter's night, and listening to the Vienna Philharmonic's New Year's Day Concert. God bless us, everyone. Cue the Radetzky March!
Continued Rotting of Local Radio.

Lucy Ann Lance has been cashiered by the new owners of WAAM, ending her very popular local morning radio show. Also fired is her producer and operations manager. One reporter will be left to cover local news and events. Lucy's show will be replaced by syndicated dreck.

How much does it cost to start up and run a 500-watt station?
Say What You Mean, Mean What You Say.

The US Government casts a blind eye on North Korea's missed deadline for disclosure of nuclear programs. Uranium enrichment is not a small matter.
Winning with Integrity.

Hurrah for the Yellow and Blue for a great final victory for Coach Lloyd Carr over Florida, 41-35. Thanks, Coach Carr, for your careful stewardship of a great football tradition.
Happy New Year!

We at Deaddrifts hope that 2008 is a wonderful and fulfilling year for you. God bless you and keep you.

Finally, Someone Notices!

Christopher Hitchens reminds us of the un-democratic nature of the Iowa Caucuses.