Friday, July 02, 2004

Christopher Hitchens is an interesting guy. In "Book Notes", by Brian Lamb, he is shown writing on his laptop in a Washington DC watering hole, martini at DefCon 3 near his hand. He used to write for the Nation and appeared to be irreconcilably hard-left. Then came 9/11. Hitchens understood the nature of the enemy and what the stakes were: the survival of democratic civilization. He took his leave from the Nation:

Taking Sides, By Christopher Hitchens

Enter Michael Moore and his crockumentary, F911 (I will not call it by its stolen name out of respect to Ray Bradbury). Here's Hitchens' take, probably the most-linked excoriation of this dreck spewer:

Unfairenheit 9/11 - The lies of Michael Moore, By Christopher Hitchens

Chris, we still disagree about the Gipper, KIssinger and Mother Theresa, but I count you as an ally in good standing in World War III.

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