Monday, August 15, 2005

DM ISO S(ane) F.

Mr. Sheehan takes steps for normalcy in his life.


RollCast said...

Ms. Sheehan has wrecked her marriage. Clearly Mr. Sheehan is fleeing to regain his sanity. Ms. Sheehan, sadly, is a lost cause. She has used other people, namely the names of fallen soldiers of families - with a completely different opinion about the war - for her own political purposes. She has been completely shameless about this. She's left the remains of her family totally estranged to participate in a pointless, embarassing circus. Shame on her.

Your point regarding the lack of Iraq service by "neocon children", whatever that denotes, is completely ridiculous. We all know what this discussion is all about - the Bush Twins, as if W needs to offer them up as sacrifice in order to earn the moral authority to lead the war. I think W feels very deeply about the losses incurred in the war. Unless you drink the pink Kool-Aid.

Your analysis of the Iraq situation is just wrong. Talk to the company commanders coming back, who've reupped for a another tour.

Why is it the Left squawks about democracy and human rights, but when it really comes down to doing the hard work - stopping the bad guys that would who would deny this to an oppressed people - the Left turns tail? Sometimes the choices are crappy and really crappy. I think we chose crappy for now, better later. Yes, the politics is going to get nasty from our point of view, with lots of gunplay, but I doubt we they will go through as bloody a conflict as we did in the Civil War in order just to begin to secure real freedom for all Americans.

You gave some great examples:

Afghanistan - ah yes, the formation of an Afghan style democracy don't mean squat - why?
Because of the opium warlords? Heck, by that reasoning, let's give Detroit to the Taliban. I think it's the Left that has the hard time coping with cultural idiosyncracies and flaws in democracy building. Not every country can be as enlightened as San Fransisco. Perhaps the Left feels that certain peoples (Afghans, Chinese, Cubans, Vietnamese, Iraqis, Koreans, etc) aren't up to the challenge of self-determination and the basic dignity of individual rights. That they need a Vanguard of Elites to guide them?

Cuba: one of the truly great tragedies of the 20th century. The real Gulag of the Carribean. And the Left could not care less, indeed they celebrate Cuban literacy, health care (as long as your not a political prisoner and can avoid the Party's blackball list). Don't you think that Cuba has paid one helluva big price for the luxury of the Commies having complete power? Wouldn't the Left be screaming its lungs out if this was, say, Rhodesia? (By the way, where is the Left is condemning that nightmare Zimbabwe?)

Vietnam: the Left totally ignores the terror that was inflicted on our deserted friends: prison, reprisals, "reeducation". Or did the refugees risk their lives going to sea on flimsy rafts on a whim? Once again, the enlightened Left self-righteously turned their back on these people - and they suffered.

Is it asking for "American style" democracy when you seek basic human rights, say, as expressed in Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms", or the original UN Charter? If so, then let's give it to the world.

RollCast said...

"Physician, heal thyself."

Yes, you have correctly concluded I am thoughtless and cruel.

I think is was you who disparaged the "Neo Con Hawks" as hypocrites. I think it was you who claimed that Neocons live an insular world, and are essentially detatched from reality. I think it was you who assumed that defending Vietnam from Communism is forcing our enthnocentric ways on others, and clearly, clearly by inference - suggesting the same in Iraq? Did you perhaps consider that your comments might over the line? Did you consider that your comments may have a heapin' helpin' of presuppositions?

It is not elitist to read an analysis of an issue, measure it against facts and history, and reject it as baloney.