Believe it or not, after a few decades of tuition increases well above the inflation rate, colleges and universities want even more money, claiming a hunk'o Uncle Sugar Daddy's Big Bailout Cheese Wheel.
Here's the ten year history of tuition for LSA students at Michigan:
- 1999-2000 $6335
- 2000-2001 $6515 (+2.8%)
- 2001-2002 $6935 (+6.4%)
- 2002-2003 $7485 (+7.9%)
- 2003-2004 $7975 (+6.5%)
- 2004-2005 $8200 (+2.8%)
- 2005-2006 $9215 (+12.4%)
- 2006-2007 $9725 (+5.5%)
- 2007-2008 $10,445 (+7.4%)
- 2008-2009 $11,035 (+5.6%)
- 1999-2009 +$4700 (+7.4% APR)
When are the administrators of this institution going to face reality? Why do students and their families (or the rest of us, by way of government financial aid) bear the burden, year in and year out, of the academe's dreams of grandeur?
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